Abalone Shell


Abalone Shell has an ultra-tough exterior which is what makes it known for nurturing protection. When you wear Abalone Shell jewelry, it helps to connect you with the power of the water element, which is a subtle, yet powerful energy. This energy helps to guard you against negative vibes. When you wear Abalone Shell jewellery, you have a constant flow of its protective properties. The pastel rainbow colours of the Abalone shell enhance feelings of peace, beauty, compassion and love. Abalone will soothe the nerves and encourage a calm demeanour. Abalone shell helps to gently open our psychic and intuitive connections.

Abalone healing carries energies of protection and emotional balance. It brings with it a natural shielding that blesses the person holding it with tranquillity. Abalone healing is especially helpful for those going through emotional turmoil or those having a hard time dealing with a situation in a relationship. The Abalone shell healing properties help you to open and expand your consciousness, which can be very beneficial if you’re having relationship issues. A spiritual and mental shift is just what you need to look at a situation from a loving and compassionate perspective. Abalone shell properties connect you to the energy of the ocean, reminding us to be loving and gentle with our loved ones. The Abalone shell energy also helps you embrace your true self while clearing away self-doubt, fear, or other toxic emotions. Abalone Shell is an excellent companion when needing guidance in relationships. It enhances the four C's - communication, cooperation, commitment and compromise - which lead to harmony and balance. Abalone shell enhances expression, in both word and deed. It allows us to understand both sides of any issue by placing us in the other person’s "shoes".


A seashell or sea shell, also known simply as a shell, is a naturally occurring, hard, protective outer layer created by an animal that lives in the sea. If you've ever walked on a beach, you've seen seashells, and maybe even collected some to take home. Most shells that are found on beaches are usually made of calcium carbonate. Most seashells come from molluscs, a large group of marine animals including clams, mussels, and oysters, which exude shells as a protective covering.  These shells, because of their bright colours, rich variety of shapes and designs, and abundance along seashores, have long been used for ornaments, tools, and coins. Seashells are commonly found in beach drift, which are natural deposits found along strandlines on beaches by the waves and the tides.

Seashells have been used as a medium of exchange and currency in various places, including many Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean islands, also in North America, Africa and the Caribbean. Seashells have often been used as tools, because of their strength and the variety of their shapes. Seashells have been used as musical instruments, wind instruments for many hundreds if not thousands of years. Whole seashells or parts of sea shells have been used as jewellery or in other forms of adornment since prehistoric times. Shells historically have been and still are made into, or incorporated into, necklaces, pendants, buttons, beads, earrings, brooches, rings, belt buckles and other uses. Small pieces of coloured and iridescent shell have been used to create mosaics and inlays, which have been used to decorate walls, furniture and boxes. Large numbers of whole seashells, arranged to form patterns, have been used to decorate mirror frames and furniture.

Product Name: Abalone Shell
Product Code: KSSM/001/031/001/001/AS
Product Type: Seashell
Product Size (Approx.): 4”
Colour: Greenish and Black with Pinkish Pattern
Product Packing (Pieces): 1 pc
Finish: Glossy